Sunday, July 31, 2016

God's Glory: Lesson 1

Dear Parents,

Hello again! This week we started our study of God’s glory. It was a great time of learning and discussion. I hope your teenager enjoyed it.

The lesson was entitled “Glory Defined,” and it focused on helping students understand that God’s glory speaks predominantly to the honor and awe due to God simply for who He is. It challenged our students to both look for God’s glory and respond to it in their daily lives.

We looked at the following Scripture passages: 
  • Exodus 24:15-18 
  • Luke 2:8-10 
  • Revelation 21:22-25 
  • 1 Chronicles 16:23-29 
  • Psalms 19:1-3 
  • Romans 1:18-20 
You’ll enjoy reading these passages and how God’s glory speaks to us in our every day lives.

Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your child, consider asking the following questions:
  • If God’s glory speaks through His creation to us, what are some of the words which describe God and who He is? 
  • Where are some of the places you see God’s glory displayed? What places near here, or have we travelled to that display God’s glory. 
  • God is powerful and mighty. How is it possible to have a healthy fear of such a big God? Is it healthy to fear God? Why? Why not? 
  • What are some of the ways you are learning to help keep focused on God’s glory? 

Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.

Jim & Eric

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Jesus & Forgiveness: Lesson 2

Dear Parents,

Hello! We just completed our second week in our four-week study on what Jesus had to say about forgiveness. We had a really good time of discussion and Bible study. I hope your teenager got a lot out of it.

This week, the lesson was entitled “Forgive To Be Forgiven,” and it focused on helping students understand the somewhat complex words of Christ, when He said that God will not forgive us unless we forgive others. We challenged students to identify anyone in their lives to whom they need to extend forgiveness, and to commit to forgiving him or her.

We looked at the following Scripture passages: 

Matthew 18:21-35
Matthew 6:14-15
Mark 11:25

You’ll enjoy reading these great scriptures and seeing how God expects us to model His willingness to forgive.

Next Steps...

During the next week as you have time to talk with your teen, consider asking the following questions:
  • Do you remember how you guys talked about Jesus words about forgiveness? It seems kind of harsh. How did your group make sense of Jesus saying that we must forgive others if we expect God to forgive us?
  • Are you holding a grudge against anyone right now? Can we talk about it? What has to happen to help move you to a place of forgiveness?
  • What are some ways our family can model God’s mercy to others we encounter? Can we think of some specific ways we might do this?
Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.


BEACH CAMP 2016 – ALL paperwork and balance is due NOW!!! Please see Linka ASAP in the church office if you have not turned it in.

Wed, June 29 – “HSM FUEL” Night / Theme: “Anarchy”
This is a special activity and worship night in the HSM Room from 6:30-8pm that you and a friend don’t want to miss. It’s going to be a total blast and led by the interns and staff. The more the merrier (and better)!

Wed, July 6 – we will be taking MSM and HSM to HAWAIIAN FALLS in Mansfield for Parker County Youth Group Day. We will leave North Side at Noon and return by 8pm. Cost for students is $20 (includes unlimited soft drinks) but if you would like to go as a chaperone we will cover your cost – first (5) to respond.

In Christ,
Jim & Eric