Monday, December 19, 2016

Jesus & Stuff: Lesson 4

Dear Parents,

Hello! We just finished our four-lesson study on what Jesus had to say about our stuff. This week, the lesson was titled “God’s Stuff, Not Ours.” In this lesson, we helped students learn that we have to learn to see our stuff as God’s, not ours, to be used as He sees fit, and we challenged them to commit to viewing all their possessions with a spirit of sacrifice, understanding that we only have what we have because God chose to give it to them.

We looked at the following Scripture passage:
  • Mark 12:41-44 
Please take a few minutes this week to read this passage.

Next Steps... 

During the next week as you have time to talk with your teenager, remember that one way that will help him or her to understand and apply what he or she has learned is to explain it to someone else. Use the following questions to guide your conversation:
  • Why is it easy to get really possessive about our stuff?
  • Why is it so important in your mind for us to see our stuff as God’s to do with as He pleases?
  • Is there anything we own that could do more for God’s Kingdom than it is for us? What would it take for us to donate or otherwise do without to see people know God in a better way?

Christmas Holidays Schedule

Worship Schedule
*Dec 24 – 4pm or 6pm, Dec 25 – 10am (Identical Services – Pick one)
*Jan 1 – 10am

*NO Wed – MSM or HSM Worship – Dec 21, 28
*NO Sun AM Bible Studies or PM Activities – Dec 25, Jan 1

*Jan 4                Community DNOW Preview Night @ NSBC / 6:30pm
*Jan 13-14        HSM Missions Weekend @ Beautiful Feet Ministries, Ft. Worth
*Feb 17-19       DNOW17

Monday, December 12, 2016

Jesus & Stuff: Lesson 3

Dear Parents,

Hello! We just finished the third of four lessons on what Jesus had to say about our stuff. This week, the lesson was titled “Less Is More.” In this lesson, we helped students learn no that matter how much stuff we have, it doesn’t add any real meaning to our life, and we challenged them to accept the challenge to see what stuff they can do without and consider donating it to someone who is needy.

We looked at the following Scripture passage:
  • Luke 12:13-21 
Please take a few minutes this week to read this passage.

Next Steps...

During the next week as you have time to talk with your teenager, remember that one way that will help him or her to understand and apply what he or she has learned is to explain it to someone else. Use the following questions to guide your conversation:
  • Why is it easy for us to get caught up in the lie that more stuff equals a more fulfilling life?
  • Where in the world around us do you see this message being pushed?
  • As a family, do we have a tendency to fall into this trap? Or do you think we handle it pretty well?
  • Jesus is the only eternally lasting and eternally meaningful thing in our lives. How are you doing in your relationship with Him? Do you feel pretty close to Him right now? Or a little distant? Can I help you with anything?

Coming Up…

Wednesday Nights during the Holidays*Dec 14 Church-wide Family Christmas Party

Christmas Holidays Schedule
Worship Schedule
*Dec 24 – 4pm or 6pm, Dec 25 – 10am (Identical Services – Pick one)
*Jan 1 – 10am

*NO Wed – MSM or HSM Worship – Dec 21, 28
*NO Sun AM Bible Studies or PM Activities – Dec 25, Jan 1

*Jan 4               Community DNOW Preview Night @ NSBC / 6:30pm
*Jan 13-14        HSM Missions Weekend @ Beautiful Feet Ministries, Ft. Worth
*Feb 17-19       DNOW17

Monday, December 5, 2016

Jesus & Stuff: Lesson 2

Dear Parents,

Hello! We just wrapped up the second of four lessons on what Jesus had to say about our stuff. This week, the lesson was titled “Follow Me, But Leave Your Stuff.” In this lesson, we helped students learn that if our love for our stuff comes between our devotion to God, we’re doing it all wrong, and we challenged them to honestly evaluate whether or not their love for their stuff competes with their devotion to Christ.

We looked at the following Scripture passage:
  • Mark 10:17-27
Please take a few minutes this week to read this passage.

Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your teenager, remember that one way that will help him or her to understand and apply what he or she has learned is to explain it to someone else. Use the following questions to guide your conversation:
  • Why was the story of the rich young ruler a sad story?
  • How did this lesson make you feel? Did you realize that you had some attitudes about your stuff that may be coming in between you following Christ? Or do you think you’re OK in this area of your life?
  • Is anything in your life coming between you and following Christ? If Jesus was talking to you or me instead of the rich young man, what would He tell us to give up, I wonder?

Coming Up...
Wednesday Nights during the Holidays*Dec 7 MSM & HSM** Christmas Parties / MSM & HSM Rooms
                   **HSM Chili Cook-Off / Need parents to make favorite chili recipes (Let Jim/Linka know)
*Dec 14 Church-wide Family Christmas Party

HSM Christmas Outreach @ Beautiful Feet, Ft. Worth / Fri Dec 9*Bring a new, unwrapped Christmas present
*Load @ 5pm / Return @ 11pm / Bring $ for snack/supper on way home

2017…*Jan 4 Community DNOW Preview Night @ NSBC / 6:30pm
*Jan 13-14 HSM Missions Weekend @ Beautiful Feet Ministries, Ft. Worth
*Feb 17-19 DNOW17