Monday, March 5, 2018

Jesus and Stress: Lesson 4

Dear Parents,

Each week we close our lessons on “Jesus and Stress” with a way for your teenager to apply what he or she has learned in his or her life. This process of applying the Bible to life is very important in order for your teenager to get a handle on what he or she has been taught. The application part of the lesson is usually what students remember the most.

With that in mind, see if you can engage your student by asking some of these questions this week:
  • Do you think God has ways to help people with stress and anxiety?
  • What would you say is the most stressful thing happening in your life right now?
  • Have you ever felt the comfort of the Holy Spirit when going through stressful times?
  • How hard is it to turn struggles and decisions over to God and trust Him to help you deal with stress in life?
I hope these past four weeks have been a great time of learning for both you and your student.


*Don’t forget your 1st Canada Mission Trip deposit is due NOW!

Mar 12-16 / SPRING BREAK
*NO regular student ministry activities on Mar 11 PM and Mar 14 PM

*Block Party Outreach / Lunch and Flyer distribution after AM services and Bible studies
*"Breaking Free" Youth Choir / 5pm – Choir Room (Upstairs over Worship Center)

Mar 24 / “Spring Fling” Block Party @ Marshall Park

Mar 31-April 1 / Easter Services