Monday, December 19, 2016

Jesus & Stuff: Lesson 4

Dear Parents,

Hello! We just finished our four-lesson study on what Jesus had to say about our stuff. This week, the lesson was titled “God’s Stuff, Not Ours.” In this lesson, we helped students learn that we have to learn to see our stuff as God’s, not ours, to be used as He sees fit, and we challenged them to commit to viewing all their possessions with a spirit of sacrifice, understanding that we only have what we have because God chose to give it to them.

We looked at the following Scripture passage:
  • Mark 12:41-44 
Please take a few minutes this week to read this passage.

Next Steps... 

During the next week as you have time to talk with your teenager, remember that one way that will help him or her to understand and apply what he or she has learned is to explain it to someone else. Use the following questions to guide your conversation:
  • Why is it easy to get really possessive about our stuff?
  • Why is it so important in your mind for us to see our stuff as God’s to do with as He pleases?
  • Is there anything we own that could do more for God’s Kingdom than it is for us? What would it take for us to donate or otherwise do without to see people know God in a better way?

Christmas Holidays Schedule

Worship Schedule
*Dec 24 – 4pm or 6pm, Dec 25 – 10am (Identical Services – Pick one)
*Jan 1 – 10am

*NO Wed – MSM or HSM Worship – Dec 21, 28
*NO Sun AM Bible Studies or PM Activities – Dec 25, Jan 1

*Jan 4                Community DNOW Preview Night @ NSBC / 6:30pm
*Jan 13-14        HSM Missions Weekend @ Beautiful Feet Ministries, Ft. Worth
*Feb 17-19       DNOW17

Monday, December 12, 2016

Jesus & Stuff: Lesson 3

Dear Parents,

Hello! We just finished the third of four lessons on what Jesus had to say about our stuff. This week, the lesson was titled “Less Is More.” In this lesson, we helped students learn no that matter how much stuff we have, it doesn’t add any real meaning to our life, and we challenged them to accept the challenge to see what stuff they can do without and consider donating it to someone who is needy.

We looked at the following Scripture passage:
  • Luke 12:13-21 
Please take a few minutes this week to read this passage.

Next Steps...

During the next week as you have time to talk with your teenager, remember that one way that will help him or her to understand and apply what he or she has learned is to explain it to someone else. Use the following questions to guide your conversation:
  • Why is it easy for us to get caught up in the lie that more stuff equals a more fulfilling life?
  • Where in the world around us do you see this message being pushed?
  • As a family, do we have a tendency to fall into this trap? Or do you think we handle it pretty well?
  • Jesus is the only eternally lasting and eternally meaningful thing in our lives. How are you doing in your relationship with Him? Do you feel pretty close to Him right now? Or a little distant? Can I help you with anything?

Coming Up…

Wednesday Nights during the Holidays*Dec 14 Church-wide Family Christmas Party

Christmas Holidays Schedule
Worship Schedule
*Dec 24 – 4pm or 6pm, Dec 25 – 10am (Identical Services – Pick one)
*Jan 1 – 10am

*NO Wed – MSM or HSM Worship – Dec 21, 28
*NO Sun AM Bible Studies or PM Activities – Dec 25, Jan 1

*Jan 4               Community DNOW Preview Night @ NSBC / 6:30pm
*Jan 13-14        HSM Missions Weekend @ Beautiful Feet Ministries, Ft. Worth
*Feb 17-19       DNOW17

Monday, December 5, 2016

Jesus & Stuff: Lesson 2

Dear Parents,

Hello! We just wrapped up the second of four lessons on what Jesus had to say about our stuff. This week, the lesson was titled “Follow Me, But Leave Your Stuff.” In this lesson, we helped students learn that if our love for our stuff comes between our devotion to God, we’re doing it all wrong, and we challenged them to honestly evaluate whether or not their love for their stuff competes with their devotion to Christ.

We looked at the following Scripture passage:
  • Mark 10:17-27
Please take a few minutes this week to read this passage.

Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your teenager, remember that one way that will help him or her to understand and apply what he or she has learned is to explain it to someone else. Use the following questions to guide your conversation:
  • Why was the story of the rich young ruler a sad story?
  • How did this lesson make you feel? Did you realize that you had some attitudes about your stuff that may be coming in between you following Christ? Or do you think you’re OK in this area of your life?
  • Is anything in your life coming between you and following Christ? If Jesus was talking to you or me instead of the rich young man, what would He tell us to give up, I wonder?

Coming Up...
Wednesday Nights during the Holidays*Dec 7 MSM & HSM** Christmas Parties / MSM & HSM Rooms
                   **HSM Chili Cook-Off / Need parents to make favorite chili recipes (Let Jim/Linka know)
*Dec 14 Church-wide Family Christmas Party

HSM Christmas Outreach @ Beautiful Feet, Ft. Worth / Fri Dec 9*Bring a new, unwrapped Christmas present
*Load @ 5pm / Return @ 11pm / Bring $ for snack/supper on way home

2017…*Jan 4 Community DNOW Preview Night @ NSBC / 6:30pm
*Jan 13-14 HSM Missions Weekend @ Beautiful Feet Ministries, Ft. Worth
*Feb 17-19 DNOW17

Monday, November 28, 2016

Jesus & Stuff: Lesson 1

Dear Parents,

Hello! I wanted to remind you about the study we’re doing on what Jesus had to say about our stuff. This week, the lesson was titled “Where’s Your Treasure?” In this lesson, we helped students learn that Jesus said it’s impossible to both love our stuff and truly love God, and we challenged them to grasp that their stuff is fleeting; only the impact they have for God will go with them to heaven.

We looked at the following Scripture passage:
  • Matthew 6:19-24
Please take a few minutes this week to read this passage.

Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your teenager, remember that one way that will help him or her to understand and apply what he or she has learned is to explain it to someone else. Use the following questions to guide your conversation:
  • How did you respond this week to what you learned about Jesus’ teaching on stuff? Do you think it’s possible in real life to love both God and our stuff? How would that work?
  • What of your stuff do you find yourself struggling with attaching too much value or importance to?
  • In what ways does our family put too much importance on stuff? What can we do together to change our attitudes regarding this?

Coming Up...
Wednesday Nights during the Holidays

*Nov 30 HSM Band “Worship Night” / MSM to Kincaid’s
*Dec 7 MSM & HSM** Christmas Parties / MSM & HSM Rooms
**HSM Chili Cook-Off / Need parents to make favorite chili recipes (Let Jim/Linka know)
*Dec 14 Church-wide Family Christmas Party

HSM Christmas Outreach @ Beautiful Feet, Ft. Worth / Fri Dec 9*Bring a new, unwrapped Christmas present
*Load @ 5pm / Return @ 11pm / Bring $ for snack/supper on way home

2017...*Jan 4 Community DNOW Preview Night @ NSBC / 6:30pm
*Jan 13-14 HSM Missions Weekend @ Beautiful Feet Ministries, Ft. Worth
*Feb 17-19 DNOW17

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Jesus & Loving Others: Lesson 4

Dear Parents,

Thank you for encouraging your teenager to attend our Bible study series Jesus and Loving Others. We concluded the series with a study on what it means to be known or defined by our love for others. We talked about some people in the news and some throughout history who are well known because of something they either still do or something they did. We challenged the students to consider what they are known by, and what it would take for them to be known for showing the love of Christ to the world.

Here are the Scriptures that were used in this week’s lesson:
  • John 13:31-35 
  • John 15:12-13 
If you have time, take a moment to read these passages this week.

Next Steps...
Each week we close a lesson by looking at ways for your teenager to apply what he or she has learned in his or her life. This process of applying the Bible to life is especially important in the final lesson. Remember that real change takes place when we apply the Bible to our day-to-day life. With that in mind, see if you can engage your teenager by offering the some of the following challenges this week:
  • Ask your teenager about the lesson this week and ask if there was any application associated with the study. 
  • Ask about some family member who is or was known for something like a skill or a favorite food or maybe even a passion for God. Relate that to how Jesus wants His children to be known for their love for others. 
  • Think about some ways that you can help engage your teenager in actively showing love to others. Is there a ministry opportunity near you or some ministry work you could help your teenager begin in your area? Encourage your child to get involved in loving others because of his or her love for God. 
We hope these past four weeks have been a great time of learning for both you and your teenager.

HSM “FUEL” Movie Night / HSM Room @ 6:30pm*Wed, Nov 16 – “To Save a Life” (Movie Over by 8:30pm)

NO “FUEL” / Wednesday Night, November 23rd (THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY BREAK)

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Jesus & Loving Others: Lesson 3

Dear Parents,

We are having a great time in our Bible study Jesus and Loving Others. This week we used Matthew 25:31-46 as our primary Scripture passage. We talked about how Jesus urged us to show His love to people He referred to as “the least of these.” Jesus identified these people as the hungry, the thirsty, the outcast, those in need of clothing, the sick, and those in prison. After looking at Jesus’ teaching, we took some time to discuss who “the least of these” would be in your student’s life and what he or she could do to show the love of Christ to those people. It was a great discussion.

Here are the Scriptures that were used in this week’s lesson:
  • Matthew 25:31-46
  • Deuteronomy 15:7-8 

Next Steps...
Here are some questions you may want to ask your teen this week to help him or her further grasp the lesson on loving those who need it the most:
  • Why do you think Jesus was so focused on loving those who are truly needy? 
  • Who are some people you talked about that might be considered “the least of these” in your world? 
  • What are some practical things our family can do to show God’s love to the poor and the needy in our community? 
  • In what way has your understanding of God’s love changed after the lesson you had this week? 
Thanks for supporting our ministry and for continuing to lead your teenager closer to Christ. Let me know if I can do anything to help in any way.

Combo “Fuel” / HSM Room @ 6:30pm*Wed, Nov 9 – Eric Peters Concert

Fall Retreat*MSM / Nov 11-13, 2016 @ Sky Ranch, Van, TX

HSM “FUEL” Movie Night / HSM Room @ 6:30pm*Wed, Nov 16 – “To Save a Life” (Movie Over by 8:30pm)

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Jesus & Loving Others: Lesson 2

Dear Parents,

We just finished our second lesson in the Bible study series Jesus and Loving Others. Remember last week we talked about the great commandment where Jesus lifted up the idea of loving God and loving others. This week we shifted focus to loving those who may be difficult to love. It’s a hard teaching, for sure, but one Jesus was pretty straightforward about. Your teenager was challenged to consider those people in his or her life who may be tough to love, and to consider ways to show these individuals the love of Christ.

Here are the Scriptures that were used in this week’s lesson:
  • Matthew 5:43-48
  • Romans 13:8-10 
Please take a few minutes this week to read these passages.

Next Steps...
Loving those who are mean or hateful, especially if that hate is directed at us, is difficult at best. Jesus loved those who hated Him. We’re told to do the same. Here are some ideas to help engage your teenager in the conversation about loving the unlovable:
  • Ask your teenager if he or she can think of some unlovable people in their life right now. Ask why he or she would classify that person as unlovable. 
  • Ask what is the easiest thing to do in regards to people who make it difficult to love them. Engage in a discussion about why loving these people is so difficult. 
  • Guide your teenager to consider why Jesus wanted us to love those who are tough to love. (Answers might include because His love is perfect, because His love is the only thing that can change that person, or because God wants to teach us something through loving others.) 
  • Be ready to share your experiences with loving difficult people and share some ideas that helped you show love to those who are hard to love. Especially point out that this kind of love can only be shown through the power of God’s Holy Spirit living in us. 
Continue to pray for our group as we continue this study. I will send you another update next week.

Combo “Fuel” / HSM Room @ 6:30pm*Wed, Nov 2 – Astronaut/Pilot - Jim Dutton
*Wed, Nov 9 – Eric Peters Concert

Fall Retreats*HSM / Nov 4-5, 2016 @ Camp Copass, Denton, TX
*MSM / Nov 11-13, 2016 @ Sky Ranch, Van, TX

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Jesus & Loving Others: Lesson 1

Dear Parents,

This week your teenager studied the first lesson in our four-part series entitled Jesus and Loving Others. The main point this week centered on Jesus’ teaching, referred to as the Greatest Commandment, that to love God and to love others is the true fulfillment of the heart of God’s law. Jesus was very adamant that loving others should be one of the key elements in the life of a Christian, second only to loving God! The students were challenged to really evaluate their lives and see how this concept fleshes out in their day-to-day living.

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
  • Matthew 22:34-40 
  • 1 John 3:10 

Next Steps...
Each week your teenager will be challenged to apply what he or she has learned. You can help your teenager continue to apply the Bible to daily life by taking some time to engage him or her in conversation using the following ideas:
See if your teenager remembers what Jesus said was the greatest commandment. Ask why he or she thinks Jesus put so much emphasis on loving other people.
Help your teenager consider how the concept of loving others can start in your home. What are some areas in which your teenager already thrives? Where does your teenager need to work on this a little more?
See if your teenager can think of any ways “loving others” can be practiced in daily life such as through church ministry projects, mission trips, or individual efforts. Offer to help with any idea your teenager may have.

“Breaking Free” Youth Choir Begins / Teen Parents Study @ 5pm / Sun, October 30th*Students discover location of next summer’s mission trip
*HSM Student Bible Study finishes up @ 4pm (Missed last week due to movie)

Trunk or Treat / October 31st*Student ministry/family project
*5:30pm / Set up & cooking hot dogs
*6:30-8:30pm / Trunk or Treat & Bounce House Games
*If donating a package of hot dog buns/weenies please bring by this Sun, October 30

Combo “Fuel” / HSM Room @ 6:30pm*Wed, Nov 2 – Astronaut/Pilot - Jim Dutton
*Wed, Nov 9 – Eric Peters Concert

Fall Retreats*HSM / Nov 4-5, 2016 @ Camp Copass, Denton, TX
*MSM / Nov 11-13, 2016 @ Sky Ranch, Van, TX

Sunday, August 14, 2016

God's Glory: Lesson 3

Dear Parents,

Hello again! This week was the last lesson of our study on God’s glory. The lesson was entitled “Glory To God Through Us.” The point of the lesson was that our students would understand that God is given glory as they live out their everyday lives, especially during tough times, and that they would accept the challenge to be more identified with Christ through their daily actions and interactions.

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
  • 1 Corinthians 10:31-33
  • 1 Peter 1:3-7
  • 2 Corinthians 4:7-15
You’ll enjoy reading these passages and how we can reflect God’s glory through our actions.

Next Steps . . . During the next week as you have time to talk with your child, consider asking the following questions:

  • So, here’s an interesting thought: we can’t add to God’s glory. He is glorified because of how amazingly awesome He is. So, why should we still seek to bring honor and respect to Him through our lives? (There’s no right answer here. Just something to get you thinking!)
  • Have you ever thought about the fact that you rarely have a neutral affect on how people see God? People know you’re a Christ-follower. Your actions (and mine) almost always say something about how important God is to us. We can either show that He’s important, or not very. How does this change the way we should see our actions?
  • Are there areas of our family’s life where we could be doing more to draw people to God? How might we move toward being more intentional about bringing glory to God? 

As always, don’t ever hesitate to call me if you need anything. It’s a real privilege to partner with you in leading your teenager closer to Christ.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

God's Glory: Lesson 2

Dear Parents,

Hello! This week was Week 2 of our study on God’s glory. We had an awesome time together and I hope your teenager got to see God’s glory in a new way!

The lesson was entitled “‘Glory Displayed.” It focused on helping students understand the role Jesus played in physically demonstrating God’s glory on this earth. We led them to discuss what the affect of truly “seeing” Jesus’ glory has or could have on their relationship with Christ.

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
  • John 1:10-14
  • Hebrews 1:1-3
  • John 17:1-5
  • John 2:1-11
You’ll enjoy reading these passages and see how God’s glory was displayed through His Son.

Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your child, consider asking the following questions:
  • What do you think God was trying to communicate to us when He sent Jesus into our world to live among us? What’s the significance?
  • What does Jesus tell us about who God is? What about Jesus’ life demonstrated God’s glory? 
  • Have you ever thought about what it must have been like for the disciples to spend three years with Jesus? What do you think it was like to spend time with Him? 
  • How was God showing His glory when Jesus hung on the cross? 
If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me. I’m looking forward to our final week of our study.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

God's Glory: Lesson 1

Dear Parents,

Hello again! This week we started our study of God’s glory. It was a great time of learning and discussion. I hope your teenager enjoyed it.

The lesson was entitled “Glory Defined,” and it focused on helping students understand that God’s glory speaks predominantly to the honor and awe due to God simply for who He is. It challenged our students to both look for God’s glory and respond to it in their daily lives.

We looked at the following Scripture passages: 
  • Exodus 24:15-18 
  • Luke 2:8-10 
  • Revelation 21:22-25 
  • 1 Chronicles 16:23-29 
  • Psalms 19:1-3 
  • Romans 1:18-20 
You’ll enjoy reading these passages and how God’s glory speaks to us in our every day lives.

Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your child, consider asking the following questions:
  • If God’s glory speaks through His creation to us, what are some of the words which describe God and who He is? 
  • Where are some of the places you see God’s glory displayed? What places near here, or have we travelled to that display God’s glory. 
  • God is powerful and mighty. How is it possible to have a healthy fear of such a big God? Is it healthy to fear God? Why? Why not? 
  • What are some of the ways you are learning to help keep focused on God’s glory? 

Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.

Jim & Eric

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Jesus & Forgiveness: Lesson 2

Dear Parents,

Hello! We just completed our second week in our four-week study on what Jesus had to say about forgiveness. We had a really good time of discussion and Bible study. I hope your teenager got a lot out of it.

This week, the lesson was entitled “Forgive To Be Forgiven,” and it focused on helping students understand the somewhat complex words of Christ, when He said that God will not forgive us unless we forgive others. We challenged students to identify anyone in their lives to whom they need to extend forgiveness, and to commit to forgiving him or her.

We looked at the following Scripture passages: 

Matthew 18:21-35
Matthew 6:14-15
Mark 11:25

You’ll enjoy reading these great scriptures and seeing how God expects us to model His willingness to forgive.

Next Steps...

During the next week as you have time to talk with your teen, consider asking the following questions:
  • Do you remember how you guys talked about Jesus words about forgiveness? It seems kind of harsh. How did your group make sense of Jesus saying that we must forgive others if we expect God to forgive us?
  • Are you holding a grudge against anyone right now? Can we talk about it? What has to happen to help move you to a place of forgiveness?
  • What are some ways our family can model God’s mercy to others we encounter? Can we think of some specific ways we might do this?
Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.


BEACH CAMP 2016 – ALL paperwork and balance is due NOW!!! Please see Linka ASAP in the church office if you have not turned it in.

Wed, June 29 – “HSM FUEL” Night / Theme: “Anarchy”
This is a special activity and worship night in the HSM Room from 6:30-8pm that you and a friend don’t want to miss. It’s going to be a total blast and led by the interns and staff. The more the merrier (and better)!

Wed, July 6 – we will be taking MSM and HSM to HAWAIIAN FALLS in Mansfield for Parker County Youth Group Day. We will leave North Side at Noon and return by 8pm. Cost for students is $20 (includes unlimited soft drinks) but if you would like to go as a chaperone we will cover your cost – first (5) to respond.

In Christ,
Jim & Eric

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Jesus & Forgiveness: Lesson 1

Dear Parents,

Hello! To remind you, we’ve just embarked on a four-week journey to discover what Jesus had to say about forgiveness. This week’s lesson was a really awesome time of fellowship and learning. I hope your child enjoyed it.

This week, the lesson was entitled “Forgiveness Starts With Jesus,” and it focused on helping students understand that the forgiveness we are to extend to others comes from the forgiveness that originates in Christ. We challenged students to be more aware of how they see the concept of forgiveness at work in their lives.

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
  • Mark 2:1-12 
  • Matthew 1:21 
  • Luke 23:34 
You’ll enjoy reading these great scriptures and seeing how forgiveness truly does start with Jesus.

Next Steps...

During the next week as you have time to talk with your teen, consider asking the following questions:
  • What was the one thing that you remember from your Bible study time. Why did it stand out to you like it did?
  • Consider telling your child a story about a time when you had to choose to forgive someone even though it was a difficult decision/process. 
  • Ask if your teenager is struggling with someone in his or her life that they need to extend forgiveness to. Ask if there is anything you can do to help them work through it. 
Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.


BEACH CAMP 2016 – ALL paperwork and balance is due by next Sunday, June 19th.

Wed, June 29 – “HSM FUEL” Night / Theme: “Anarchy”
This is a special activity and worship night in the HSM Room from 6:30-8pm that you and a friend don’t want to miss. It’s going to be a total blast and led by the interns and staff. The more the merrier (and better)!

Wed, July 6 – we will be taking MSM and HSM to HAWAIIAN FALLS in Mansfield for Parker County Youth Group Day. We will leave North Side at Noon and return by 8pm. Cost for students is $20 (includes unlimited soft drinks) but if you would like to go as a chaperone we will cover your cost – first (5) to respond.

In Christ,
Jim & Eric

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Jesus & Tough Times: Lesson 3

Dear Parents,

 We are now in week three of our series called, “Jesus and the Tough Times.” We are spending our time really talking about where the Lord is when things go wrong. Tonight we looked at how to trust that God is our comfort and peace in the hard times. Thank you for allowing your teenager to join us.

This week, the lesson was entitled “Comfort in the Tough Times ” and it focused on helping students learn that God gives us rest and peace beyond anything the world offers in the hard times.

We looked at the following Scripture passages: 
  • John 14:25-27 
  • John 16:33 
  • Matthew 11:28-30 
All of these verses explain the way Jesus talks about being our peace and comfort.

Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your child, consider asking the following questions:
  • Do you believe God truly wants to comfort us when things are hard? 
  • How can we rely on the Lord as our peace during tough times? 
  • What does it mean to take up God’s “yoke” which is easy and light, so He can carry our burdens? 
Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.

MUNCHDAYS > Begin Monday, June 6th 
If you need a ride meet us by 11:30am @ HSM Room and we’ll cruise on over to the Whataburger on S. Main for lunch. Following this we’ll head back to the church for a separate guys/girls bible studies. We should wrap up by 2pm.

HSM > Rangers vs. Astros Baseball – Wed, June 8th
Invite a friend and join us for $1 hot dog night and a great rivalry. We will load @ 5pm from HSM Room and head to Arlington. Game starts at 705pm. There are 30 tickets available - $20/each, first come-first serve.

*We have very few places left for students to attend summer camp so get your $ and registration forms turned in ASAP.