Sunday, June 5, 2016

Jesus & Tough Times: Lesson 3

Dear Parents,

 We are now in week three of our series called, “Jesus and the Tough Times.” We are spending our time really talking about where the Lord is when things go wrong. Tonight we looked at how to trust that God is our comfort and peace in the hard times. Thank you for allowing your teenager to join us.

This week, the lesson was entitled “Comfort in the Tough Times ” and it focused on helping students learn that God gives us rest and peace beyond anything the world offers in the hard times.

We looked at the following Scripture passages: 
  • John 14:25-27 
  • John 16:33 
  • Matthew 11:28-30 
All of these verses explain the way Jesus talks about being our peace and comfort.

Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your child, consider asking the following questions:
  • Do you believe God truly wants to comfort us when things are hard? 
  • How can we rely on the Lord as our peace during tough times? 
  • What does it mean to take up God’s “yoke” which is easy and light, so He can carry our burdens? 
Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.

MUNCHDAYS > Begin Monday, June 6th 
If you need a ride meet us by 11:30am @ HSM Room and we’ll cruise on over to the Whataburger on S. Main for lunch. Following this we’ll head back to the church for a separate guys/girls bible studies. We should wrap up by 2pm.

HSM > Rangers vs. Astros Baseball – Wed, June 8th
Invite a friend and join us for $1 hot dog night and a great rivalry. We will load @ 5pm from HSM Room and head to Arlington. Game starts at 705pm. There are 30 tickets available - $20/each, first come-first serve.

*We have very few places left for students to attend summer camp so get your $ and registration forms turned in ASAP.

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