Sunday, April 10, 2016

Persecution: Lesson 2

Dear Parents,

I am thrilled to write to you again and let you know how we’ve progressed through our study on persecution. Last week we asked ourselves if we were living a life that may even warrant persecution from our peers. This week we took the time to see what the Bible says about why we experience persecution and how to use that for God’s glory.

Our second lesson was entitled “Because of Christ.” In the lesson this week we saw that by identifying with Jesus we will experience persecution. Yet, there is a silver lining on any opposition we face. We actually bring glory to God when we suffer for His name.

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
  • John 15:18-21
  • John 16:33
  • Luke 21:12-13
  • Philippians 1:12-14
Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with these passages. I pray that you’re challenged as much as we have been by what we’ve been learning.

Next Steps...
During the week as you have time to talk with your teenager, consider asking the following questions:
  • Why do you think Jesus encountered persecution when He was bringing a message of hope to the world?
  • In what ways are we like Christ when we experience persecution?
  • We read where Paul shared that his own imprisonment could be seen as joyful because it meant that others may hear about the Good News of Jesus. What is the modern day equivalent of this? How does this look in your life?
  • How can I help you succeed in your spiritual walk with the Lord and encourage you when you experience opposition in life?
I am excited to have the opportunity to partner with you on this journey to help your teenager go deeper in his or her relationship with Christ. Please let us know if we can help or answer any questions for you!

BEACH CAMP 2016 - $100 DEPOSIT/REGISTRATION DUE (Form and payment guarantees spot for you and/or a guest)
*Check registration brochure (HSM/MSM Desks) for info on siblings and guests discounts

Combined MSM & HSM “FUEL” with special guest – Isaac Tauaefa / Wed, April 13

MSM “Tacky Prom” – MSM Room @ 6:30pm / Wed, April 20

HSM LUNCH-IN FUNDRAISER / Sun, April 17 (Following morning services)
*Great way to earn $ for mission trip or summer camp

*If you missed this parent-student info meeting please make sure to grab an info brochure out of the youth rooms

If you don’t get the student ministry news e-mails or info through Facebook, please contact Linka, youth assistant,

We are glad that your family is a part of North Side!
Jim & Eric

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