Sunday, May 8, 2016

Knowing God: Lesson 2

Dear Parents,

This week we continued our three-week study on God’s knowability. This week’s lesson was a great lesson. I hope your student enjoyed it!

This week, the lesson was entitled “Knowing God.” It focused on helping teenagers understand that Jesus is the ultimate picture of who God is, and by knowing Jesus we can truly know God. We challenged teenagers to begin to look deeper into Jesus’ life and ministry to get to know Him better.

We looked at the following scripture passages:
  • Hebrews 1:1-3
  • John 3:2
  • John 6:66-69
You’ll enjoy reading these powerful passages that show is that Jesus is the ultimate picture of who God is.

Next Steps...

During the next week as you have time to talk with your teenager, share with him or her from your experience what it means to know Jesus. So many Christians know facts about Jesus, but they don’t truly know Him because they don’t have a relationship with Him.
Once you have shared about what it means to know Jesus from your experience, Ask your student to share from his or her experience.
Then, spend some time praying for each other that God would give you both a deeper desire to know Jesus better.

Thanks being such a positive influence in your teenager’s life. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.


STUDENT MINISTRY CAR WASH & “YARD” SALE / Sat, May 21st (9am – 1pm)

NSBC Student Ministry Families…here is a way for you to earn some $ for your summer activity account to offset expenses for mission trips and camp. Pledge forms will be given out beginning Wed, May 4th in MSM and HSM “Fuel” worship times where your students are encouraged to solicit pledges from family members, neighbors, friends, etc. (If not there they will be available on the student ministry welcome desks. We can use a few parents to help out with car wash so see Jim or Eric about this. Parents, you can also “rent” a parking lot space and bring items to sale (parking lot sale instead of garage or yard sale). It will be promoted within the community and has been a great way for families to make $ for these expenses. If interested, please contact Linka Wallace.

*We still have places for students to attend summer camp so get your $ and registration forms turned in ASAP. The required student-parent orientation meeting is Wed, May 18th @ 6:30pm.

*Scheduled for Sundays – May 15 and 22.

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