Sunday, January 17, 2016

God's Love: Lesson 2

Dear Parents:

Hello again! We’re already on our second week of our three-week study, God’s Love. It’s been great to receive feedback that parents and students alike are using these discipleship tools for personal and family growth.

This week’s lesson was entitled “Love’s Perfect Expression,” and it focused on helping students see that God’s unfailing love is most fully expressed through Christ, and how this perfect expression of love positively impacts their identity.

We looked at the following Scripture passages: 
  • Romans 5:6-8
  • John 3:16-17
  • Romans 8:35-39
Last week we talked about how love is who God is. Love is an essential facet of His character. We used these verses to build upon that this week as we looked at how God demonstrated this love to us by sending Christ as the payment for our sins.

Next Steps . . .

During the next week as you have time to talk with your students, consider asking the following questions:
  • What do you think about our Father’s unconditional love for you? Is it hard for you to believe that you don’t have to do anything to earn or keep His love?
  • This week you looked at Romans 5 where Paul pointed out that we are powerless and sinful, and yet God still sent Christ. Why is that important? How would things be different if God only loved righteous people?
  • Have there ever been times when you felt like God stopped loving you or loved you less, based on experiences? (Parents, this is a great opportunity to share about a difficult time in life when you questioned or doubted God’s love based on your circumstances.) How did you come to realize that God did still love and was working for your good? What was the outcome of this situation?)

“The Parent Point”

If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to contact Eric, Jim, or one of the interns. If you are not receiving weekly e-mails from Jim and Eric updating student families about what’s going on, then please contact Linka Wallace, youth assistant. (

Be on the lookout soon for a weekly e-mail that will deal with specific topics that parents face in raising teenagers. Hopefully it will provide some encouragement, instruction, and challenge to meet family needs. It is called – “THE PARENT POINT”.

Remember, we are here to serve you and your family. We look forward to being a part of God’s continued work here at North Side and in Parker County.

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