Sunday, January 31, 2016

Compassion: Lesson 1

Dear Parents,

We’ve just finished the first week of our three-week study on “COMPASSION”. The lesson was entitled “Full of Compassion” and it focused on helping students understand that God is full of compassion for those in need. We helped students understand that they can trust and depend on Him during times of distress.

We looked at the following Scripture passages: 
  • Exodus 34:1-7
  • Psalm 86:15
  • Psalm 121:1-2
  • 2 Samuel 24:14
  • Isaiah 49:13
You’ll enjoy reading these passages and seeing God’s mercy and compassion for His people.
Next Steps...

During this week when you talk with your teenager at the dinner table or riding down the road, consider asking the following questions:
  • I know in your Sunday Bible study you talked a lot about compassion being a part of God’s nature and character. What does that mean to you? How do you think He demonstrates it to us
  • So, God’s compassion for His people will ultimately lead to an eternity with Him where all things are made right. How can we keep this eternal perspective when there’s so much stuff, good and bad, going on in the world and our lives? In other words, how do we reconcile all the “bad” in this world and the fact that “God is Love” (last series)?
  • What are some ways you’ve look to the Lord this week? Has that been different than other weeks?
I’m sure some of our students have probably gotten tired of hearing the phrase “God is Love” the past few weeks in our most recent series. But as we talked in our Sunday night Bible study with our adult leaders, this is one of the foundation pieces to our faith. If we understand that “God is love” and that if we are going to call ourselves his disciples (followers), then we have to love God and others (in the same way he loved us). If we don’t then the Bible says we don’t know God. That’s some heavy stuff! But what would this community (and North Side) look like if we as his followers actually practiced this daily. Watch out world! Something would be happening and lives would be changed. So let’s go love!

Be sure and check out the new e-mail dealing with family issues called “The Parent Point”. It typically will be out on Thursdays. If you don’t get it then please contact Linka in the office and we will get you set up.

Have a great week!
Jim & Eric

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