Sunday, February 7, 2016

Compassion: Lesson 2

Dear Parents,

What a busy weekend with “Breakfast Sunday” and the MSM & HSM Super Bowl Party! But what a blast!!! In Bible study we finished the second in our three-week series look at God’s compassion. We think it gave everyone a lot to think about through the week. The lesson was entitled “Compassion Revealed” and it focused on Christ as the full revelation of God’s compassion.

Think About Questions
  • How has Jesus shown you compassion in your life?
  • With the same compassion the Lord has shown you and your family, how can you pass it on to others for them to see this godly attribute in your family as you seek to impact your neighborhood or community?
We looked at the following Scripture passages:
  • Mark 6:30-34
  • Matthew 9:35-38
  • Mark 10:45
  • Matthew 15:32
  • Matthew 5:7

Check out these passages and see how Jesus shows us what God’s compassion truly looks like.

Next Steps...

During the next week as you have time to talk with your teenager, consider asking the following questions:
  • How does Jesus reveal things about God to us?
  • What can we learn from how Jesus showed compassion and met people’s needs?
  • As a family, do you think we do a good job showing Christ-like compassion to those around us? Talk to me about it.

Thank you for all you are doing to show your child an active and meaningful faith. We hope the daily devotionals on the church website are helping your student and giving y’all a chance to connect as a family. Be on the lookout for “The Parent Point” on Thursdays. It will be a weekly article to ponder as a parent of teens. We hope it provides helpful information, encouragement, or a challenge to consider in your family relationships.

We will be doing a special series on Wednesday nights during the month of February on meaningful relationships – love, dating, and sex – with both MSM and HSM students. Please be in prayer for us and our ministry to students as we seek open and clear communication on this important subject. It doesn’t matter if the students are just dreaming about dating or have already had a serious girlfriend. There is something for everyone. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Have a great week!
Jim & Eric

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