Monday, February 15, 2016

Compassion: Lesson 3

Dear Parents,

Hello again! We hope you had a “lovely” Valentine’s weekend. It was busy around student ministry with the HSM childcare fundraiser and the Mission Team lunch-in. This was the final week in our three-week study on compassion. This week’s lesson was entitled “It Takes Action,” and focused on the practical side of showing God’s compassion to others. We challenged students to embrace the idea that our compassion can’t just be limited to talk. There has to be action behind it.

Think About Questions
  • Talk as a family about people you respect because of their compassion. Share examples. 
  • What is something you can participate in as a family this week to demonstrate compassion to others?

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
  • 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
  • Luke 3:9-11
  • James 2:15-18
Check out these passages and see some of the ways we can follow Christ’s example of showing compassion.

Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your teenager, consider asking the following questions:
  • Christ was compassionate to those around Him. Do we have to do the same to be a Christ-follower? Why or why not?
  • Being there for people in times of need can take a lot of time, energy, and resources. Why is it important that we sacrifice to show God’s compassion to those in need?
  • What are some things our family can do to put these verses into practice?

Our next series will focus on “Jesus & Culture”. It’s pretty clear when you read through the Gospel stories (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) that Jesus shook things up pretty good. I’m sure he felt like an outcast. He definitely was a “fish out of water” or “alien from a different world”. But that didn’t keep him from immersing himself in the existing culture and making a difference in people’s lives then and creating a lasting tidal wave that has impacted history and cultures for the past 2,000 years. I can’t wait to see how these lessons challenge our students and leaders.

DNOW16 is one of the foundational cornerstones to our student ministry here at North Side. We hope you and your student have set aside this weekend (March 4-6, 2016) to be a part of a community event involving ten churches from across Parker County and 300 students that will hopefully make an impact in schools, homes, and churches. Even if your student has an event on one of the days, DNOW allows you time to get away and then come back to your group so you don’t miss out on what God is doing. We hope your student can join us and there are places to serve if you are able.

Have a super week!
Jim & Eric

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