Monday, April 10, 2017

Service: Lesson 3

Dear Parents,

This week we completed our three-week series on service. Your teenager has hopefully been challenged to not just do service but to live a life of service. The students have really gone deep into the bible and discussed what it means to live every day in service to others.

This week, the lesson was entitled “Living as a Faithful Servant.” Your teenager learned that, in the Kingdom of God, to be the greatest means to be a servant. He or she was encouraged to think of practical ways to show God’s love to others.

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
  • Mark 10:35-45
  • Matthew 23:11-12 
  • Philippians 2:14-18 
  • 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 
I encourage you to read these verses and talk with your teenager about them. 

Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your teenager, consider asking the following questions: 

  • Why do you think God views those who serve as “the greatest”? Can you think of some examples from the Bible where we see this?
  • What surprised you about this week’s lesson?
  • How can I be a helpful role model in demonstrating this life of service? What are some ways we as a family can model service more in our lives?
Thank you for supporting our ministry and for choosing to make time to engage your child in his or her spiritual growth.

-April 14 > Passover Experience

-April 15 > Worship Service Options – 5pm or 7pm

-April 16 > Worship Service Options – 9am or 11am

*HSM “SECRET CHURCH” STUDY / APRIL 21This unique annual Bible study featuring David Platt, President of International Mission Board, will be from 6pm-Midnight. The topic: “Scriptural Authority in a Skeptical World”. It should be great!

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