Monday, April 24, 2017

Jesus & Image: Lesson 1

Dear Parents,

Hello! To remind you, we’ve just embarked on a four-week journey to discover how our image relates to our walk with Christ. This week’s lesson was a great time of fellowship and learning. I hope your student enjoyed it.

This week, the lesson was entitled “Image is Everything,” and it focused on helping students understand how our culture is obsessed with creating an image, or a brand, that we project to the world. The problem is, of course, that our image-controlling tendencies get in the way of using our lives to reflect Christ in the world. We looked at how damaging hanging onto a me-focused image can be and instead of projecting a Christ-centered image.

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
  •  John 3:27-30
  • Mark 8:34-38
You’ll enjoy reading these great scriptures and seeing how important it is to consider how we’re using our lives to bring glory to God.

Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your teen, consider asking the following questions:
  • You talked about the images that people project that won’t last. What are some of the ways you’ve seen people you know demonstrate this? 
  • Jesus says that to save your life you must lose it. How is that possible? 
  • How have you begun to think about the image you project? Are there some aspects of our image that we try to spin and control without even knowing it?
  • What can we as a family do to create an atmosphere where our lives are used to make Jesus known to the world?
We are glad your family is a part of North Side. If you have questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call us.

-Jim & Eric

*HSM Fundraiser – TNT Fireworks stand jobs “INFO Meeting” (Pick one meeting to attend)
-Sun, April 23 or 30 (12:10pm) / HSM Room
-Wed, April 26 (7:45pm) / HSM Room

*Chicago Mission Trip deposit ($100 was due this past Sunday, April 23) / Choir @ 5pm & Training @ 6:15pm (4/30)

*HSM Beach Camp deposit ($100 due this Sunday, April 30) / Friends are welcome!!!

*Ethan Smart Memorial Golf Tourney (May 5) / Deadline is Sun, April 30

*Senior Class 2017 Recognition / Register by Sun, April 30 (DON’T FORGET PICTURES)

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