Monday, May 1, 2017

Jesus & Image: Lesson 2

Dear Parents,

Hello! I wanted to let you know that we’ve wrapped up week two of our study on what Jesus had to say about our image. I know your student was challenged and encouraged this week to look even deeper at how they project themselves to the world.

This week, the lesson was entitled “Broken.” We talked about how everyone on some level, either physically, emotionally, and definitely spiritually, is broken. No matter what image we project, it can only temporarily cover up our brokenness, not fix it. The only one that can heal our brokenness is Jesus.

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
  • Luke 18:35-43
  • 1 Timothy 1:15-16 
These passages will challenge you and push you to look at your own areas of brokenness.

Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your teen, consider asking the following questions:
  • Do you think the blind beggar realized how broken he was, or did he just know he needed healing and that Jesus was the only one who could heal him? 
  • Do we (as your parents) allow you to express brokenness and point you the way to healing? 
  • As a family are we transparent enough with our brokenness? 
If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call us.

-Jim & Eric

*HSM Fundraiser – TNT Fireworks stand jobs “INFO Meeting” (Pick one meeting to attend)
-Sun, April 30 (12:10pm) / HSM Room

*Breaking Free Youth Choir practices @ 5pm & Choir Concert @ 6:30pm / May 7

*HSM Beach Camp deposit of $100 is due NOW!! First come-first serve! / Friends are welcome!!!

*Senior Class 2017 Recognition
/ Please turn in registration no later than next Sun, May 7 (DON’T FORGET PICTURES)

*Student Ministry Car Wash & Yard Sale @ North Side / Saturday, May 20
-Students need participation info / available @ MSM and HSM welcome desks

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