Monday, May 15, 2017

Jesus & Image: Lesson 4

Dear Parents,

We have completed our four-week series on “Jesus and Image.” Your teenager has taken a very deep look at how our culture views and shapes our image, how we are all broken, and how Jesus is the only way to healing.

This week, the lesson was entitled “Fearless.” Understanding who we are in Christ is nothing if we don’t step boldly into the world and live our lives fearlessly for him.

We looked at the following Scripture passages:
  • Luke 7:36-50
  • 1 Peter 2:21-24
We see in Luke a stark contrast between someone who has acknowledged their brokenness and stepped fearlessly towards Jesus, and someone who is still wrapped up in their old image and arrogantly dismissing Jesus. In 1 Peter, we see how Jesus responded to the world that rejected Him, as an example for us.

Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your teen, consider asking the following questions:
  • What circumstances do you find it most difficult to live your life as a Christ-follower? 
  • In the lesson this week, who did you identify with more, the Pharisee or the sinner? Why? 
  • What can I do to help you live your Christian life out fearlessly? 
Schools winding down and summer’s a coming. Get ready!

If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call us.

-Jim & Eric

*Chicago mission trip training 6:15pm this week (5/21) after youth choir @ 5pm

*MSM & HSM Beach Camp payments are due NOW!! First come-first serve! / Friends are welcome!!!

*Student Ministry Car Wash & Yard Sale @ North Side / Saturday, May 20
-Students need participation info / available @ MSM and HSM welcome desks

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