Monday, February 5, 2018

Jesus and Stress: Lesson 1

Dear Parents,

This week (Feb 4 Lesson) your student started a new Bible study entitled Jesus and Stress. Over the next few weeks we are going to be taking an up close look at what the Bible has to say about things like worry, burdens, finding peace, and trusting God. You may want to read Luke 12:22-33, the verses your student studied this week. This series will last for four weeks and each week you will get a note from me detailing what was studied and how you can help carry on that learning throughout the week.

We looked at the following Scripture passage:
  • Luke 12:22-31 
As you have time this week, maybe you could read it as well.

Next Steps...

As your teenager begins learning about what the Bible has to say about stress, consider examining the effects of stress in your life. While the stressors may be different compared to your teenager the feelings of stress are usually quite similar. Try to think back to your teen years and remember some of the things you stressed over like grades, fitting in, peer pressure, and relationships. Try to find some common ground in order to open up your lines of communication.
  • Remember to ask your student about the lesson and what things stuck in their minds. 
  • Ask questions that will allow your student the freedom to answer without feeling like they are being quizzed on the lesson. We want you to feel like a vital part of the learning process. 
Please let me know if I can ever help you and remember I am always here to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.


*DNOW18 emphasis begins this week and next for the following…

-Community Preview Worship Night (Feb 7 / NSBC Worship Center) / 6:30-7:45pm
          *Speaker – Mike Satterfield and Band – Aaron Wagner

-DNOW Kickoff Night / (Feb 14 / HSM Room) / 6:30-7:45pm
          *Find out final details on the big weekend – where you stay, what doing, etc.

-DNOW Weekend / Feb 16-18 / NSBC & Local Church Homes
          *Don’t miss out on this important student and community ministry event

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