Monday, February 12, 2018

Jesus and Stress: Lesson 2

Dear Parents,

This week your student was involved in the second lesson in the series Jesus And Stress. The Scripture for the lesson was from Luke 10:38-42. If you get a chance this week, consider reading the passage.

As you can see if you read the passage, Martha was busy doing while Mary took time to be still and listen to Jesus. The main point this week was to help your teenager learn that letting the stress of a busy lifestyle distract them from focusing on Christ is NOT the way to go. Your teenager was encouraged to take time to be still and focus on Jesus and what He taught while He lived on Earth.

So here is a question for you as a parent: Are you so busy that there is no free time in your life? Does your busy lifestyle crowd out opportunities to refresh and refill? Consider your example to your student and how you can slow down from your busy schedule and focus more on Christ.

Next Steps...

This week challenge your student to find some time to be still and spend some time thinking about the word for the week they chose during the lesson. You may want to take the same challenge as your student and talk about what you both discovered during the week.

I hope you and your family have a calm and peaceful week and that these lessons are helping your student get a better handle on stress in life.


*DNOW18 emphasis this week and next for the following…

-DNOW Kickoff Night / (Feb 14 / HSM Room) / 6:30-7:45pm
          *Find out final details on the big weekend – where you stay, what doing, etc.

-DNOW Weekend / Feb 16-18 / NSBC & Local Church Homes
          *Don’t miss out on this important student and community ministry event

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