Monday, February 26, 2018

Jesus and Stress: Lesson 3

Dear Parents,

This week’s lesson was unique among the entire Jesus Studies series because it did not spotlight any actual words of Jesus. Your teenager discovered what Jesus’ mother Mary had to say when faced with her situation of being pregnant with Jesus before she was married. Instead of living her life in shame she boldly moved forward trusting that God was bigger than anything she might face. Mary found peace instead of stress because to chose to trust God even though she could have had zero understanding of how things would work out.

Teenagers sometimes experience lots of stress, and then choose the wrong way to deal with it. They focus on the overwhelming nature of stress instead of giving it over to God and trusting Him to see them through it. This week your teenager was challenged to make the right choice: when faced with stress, choose to surrender the emotions of their stressful situation to God.

Next Steps...

During the week you may have some time to talk to your student about the lesson. Here are some questions to help you with that discussion.
  • Mary had two choices with how she responded to the angle’s news: do you remember what they were?
  • Why do you think we all sometimes choose to be overwhelmed by the stressors in our lives?
  • Can you think of a time in your life when you felt like you were about to be overwhelmed by stress but chose to surrender it to God? How did it make you feel?
Thank you for encouraging your teenager to attend our Bible study each week.


*Don’t forget your 1st Canada Mission Trip deposit is due NOW!


Mar 12-16 / SPRING BREAK
*NO regular student ministry activities on Mar 11 and Mar 14 PM studies and services

*Block Party Outreach / Lunch and Flyer distribution after AM services and Bible studies
*"Breaking Free" Youth Choir / 5pm – Choir Room (Upstairs over Worship Center)

Mar 24 / “Spring Fling” Block Party @ Marshall Park

Mar 31-April 1 / Easter Services

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